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Tom Farrell

Tom Farrell Tom Farrell has worked as a golf course starter, a chemist and clerked at City Hall in Chicago while attending law school. He is the author of The Wager Series, including Wager Tough (Book One), WagerEasy (Book Two) and Wager Smart (Book Three). Each book has received a starred review from Kirkus Reviews. Wager Tough was selected by Kirkus Reviews as one of the Best Books of 2021 Indie and one of the best Indie Mystery Thrillers of 2021. Wager Smart was selected as an Editor’s Pick by Kirkus Reviews. Indies Today Book Reviews called Wager Smart “The best of Tom Farrell’s books so far.” Wager Smart was selected as a Finalist for the Indies Today Award. Each book is available as an audiobook and narrated by Josh Innerst. Tom Farrell also served previously as Vice President of RMFW. See www.tomfarrellbooks.com
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