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Sarah Reichert

Sarah Reichert (S.E. Reichert) is a novelist, poet, blogger, writing mentor, and herder of cats. She’s the Youth Coordinator for the Writing Heights Writers Association. She is also the webmaster for WyoPoets and a member of Wyoming Writers, Inc. Her Sweet Valley Series, a contemporary western romance trilogy, was recently published by 5 Prince Publishing. She also has a well-received paranormal romance series published (The Southtown Harbor Series). Her other work has been featured in Poetry Ireland Review, “Scars” Anthology from Pixie Press Publishing, “Rise: An Anthology of Change”, The Fort Collins Coloradoan, Ravens Quoth Press’ “Evermore 3”, and Twenty Bellows 2023 Anthology. Sarah enjoys hiking, gardening, napping on the couch with her pit bull rescue, and practicing martial arts. She is also the mom of two busy teenagers and is a floundering crossword enthusiast.
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