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Welcome, writers! If you have any questions about the schedule or the conference at large, please refer to the conference website at rmfw.org/conference or email conference@rmfw.org. To view the conference floor plan, select or click on map from the menu.
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Rachael Bush

Rachael Bush published her fourth book, Love on Location, with The Wild Rose Press in 2018 under her pen name, September Roberts. As September, she writes romance that's smoking hot and always happy ever after. As Rachael, she writes the Botany for Everyone series, because everyone should know the basics of botany. You can find out more at botanyforeveryone.com. When she's not writing, she volunteers as the President of the League of Utah Writers, serves as the Blue Quill chapter president, and builds the app for their conferences.

My Speakers Sessions

Friday, September 27

4:30pm MDT

Saturday, September 28

10:00am MDT

Sunday, September 29

8:00am MDT

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