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October K Santerelli

October K Santerelli is a local author from Denver, Colorado. He identifies as queer and disabled, and writes characters that share his life experiences. His works are primarily fantasies, ranging from dark to epic and everything in between. His debut novel, City of Day (Nightfall, Book 1) was named GoIndieNow's Cover of the Year 2023. His other works include a YA science fiction in David Brin's Out of Time series (Storm's Eye), a historic romance short story (Mi Jaculpo, Hold Your Fire anthology), and more. Outside of novels, novellas, and short stories, October writes comic scripts for both Webtoon Canvas and Featured Webtoons. He has worked as an LGBTQ+, neurodivergency, and chronic illness sensitivity editor for six years for both traditionally and indie published authors. For more information, check out octoberksanterelli.com.
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