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Nicole Luongo

Nicole Luongo is an editor at Park Row Books. She joined the Park Row team in 2021, after working as an Editorial Assistant at Mango Publishing, an independent publisher based in Miami, Florida. Prior to this, she interned at Foundry Literary & Media and Pegasus Books, and she has experience working as a bookseller. Originally from Madison, Connecticut, Nicole graduated with Distinction from McGill University, where she earned a Joint Honors B.A. in English Literature and International Development. Nicole is drawn to voice-driven, contemporary upmarket “book club” fiction featuring strong female protagonists, psychological thrillers that subvert the genre (i.e. unreliable female narrators, female perpetrators, etc.) select coming-of-age stories and select historical fiction, with an emphasis across all genres on amplifying underrepresented voices. While she doesn’t acquire genre fiction, she loves genre-adjacent fiction, such as speculative, magical realist (especially when based off cultural folklore) and feminist dystopian fiction. Across all genre subsets, she is on the lookout for millennial and Gen Z voices, especially those that spark conversation around mental health. In the nonfiction space, Nicole is drawn to standout, accessible narrative nonfiction and compelling memoirs geared towards a female readership.

My Speakers Sessions

Friday, September 27

8:00am MDT

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