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Miranda Darrow

Author, Editor
Miranda Darrow is a freelance editor, #RevPit board member, and writer. After graduating with a degree in English (and then a law degree), she became a practicing attorney but never lost the urge to read and write fiction. Taking an in-house counsel position fifteen years ago allowed her the time to develop her writing and editing skills. She’s a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association, the Professional Editors Network, has a certificate in developmental editing from Jennifer Lawler’s Club Ed, and is a frequent presenter to writing groups. Her logic skills honed as an attorney are an asset in detecting and remedying timeline issues, plot inconsistencies, as well as pacing and story arc concerns. Miranda loves forced proximity, ‘80s music, obscure sports, Schitt’s Creek, crochet, reality TV, and road trips (through history, space, or to someplace new to discover). She works with most fiction genres and age categories.

My Speakers Sessions

Saturday, September 28

9:00am MDT

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