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LS Hawker

USA Today Best Selling Author
LS Hawker is the author of the thrillers THE DROWNING GAME, BODY AND BONE, END OF THE ROAD, and THE THROWAWAYS. THE DROWNING GAME is a USA Today bestseller and finalist in the ITW Thriller Awards in the Best First Novel category. Her novels have been translated into eight languages. Hawker grew up in suburban Denver and received her B.S. in journalism from the University of Kansas. She had a radio show called “People Are So Stupid,” produced fitness videos, and outfitted airports and travel agencies with computer equipment for a major airline. Her extensive media background includes everything from public affairs director at a Denver radio station to television sports intern to website designer. She’s got a hilarious trophy husband, two brilliant daughters, and a massive music collection. She lives in Colorado but considers Kansas her spiritual homeland.
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