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Leanne Haase-Goebel

Award-Winning Author
Leanne Haase-Goebel is an award-winning writer. She’s written and published two art books, sixteen exhibition catalogs, fifty-seven magazine articles, and more than 200 profiles and stories. She’s been awarded multiple Top of the Rockies Excellence in Journalism awards. She was one of twelve writers in the United States selected to participate in the 2009 NEA International Arts Journalism Institute in the Visual Arts and was honored to receive a 2007 Creative Capital | Andy Warhol Arts Writers Grant. Leanne graduated from the University of Texas, San Antonio, in 1989 with a BA in English as a founding member of the Beta Omega chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society, and Cactus Alley's editor, with many creative writing credits. She recently completed her first novel.
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