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Laurie Marr Wasmund

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LAURIE MARR WASMUND has worked as an editor, community college instructor, and writing workshop presenter. Her short stories have appeared in magazines such as CIMARRON REVIEW and WEBER STUDIES. She is the author of MY HEART LIES HERE, a novel of the Ludlow Massacre; CLEAN CUT, A Romance of the Western Heart; and the WHITE WINTER TRILOGY. The first two books of her Trilogy take place during the years 1917-1919, when America was involved in the First World War. The third book of the Trilogy, To WALK HUMBLY, is the story of the Ku Klux Klan in Colorado in 1924. It was a 2020 finalist for the Mainstream/Literary award from the Colorado Authors League. It also received a 2020 EVVY third place award in Historical Fiction from the Colorado Independent Publishers Association. Laurie is currently the Vice President of Colorado Authors League.
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