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Kevin Wolf

Vice President
Kevin Wolf needed to write a novel, but he didn’t know how. He attended his first Gold Conference in 2002, became a regular at Saturday workshops, entered contests, and critiqued with the Southwest Plaza Group. Wanting to give back, Kevin judged for the Gold, guided Conference newbies, and in the Covid year, was part of the team that put together the month-long YouTube slate of virtual workshops. His 2016 novel THE HOMEPLACE was the winner of the Tony Hillerman Award. Western Writers of America chose BELTHANGER as the 2021 Spur Award winner for short fiction. THE BOOTHEEL will be published in 2023 by Thorndike Press.

Kevin and his wife live in Estes Park. He helps coach the high school basketball team, facilitates a Zoom writers’ group, and tries to add common sense to several non-profit boards. Each morning he watches elk, deer, bobcats, and coyotes from his office window and still ponders how to write a novel. More than anything else he wants RMFW to be a welcoming place for all writers and help the organization keep pace with all the opportunities in the dynamics of storytelling.

My Speakers Sessions

Friday, September 27

12:15pm MDT

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