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Kevin Campbell

A 40-year television, film, and education veteran, Kevin Campbell started his career as a TV news journalist. He produced hundreds of news stories as well as TV commercials, marketing videos, and education/training content. He also taught video production for high school and college students. He wrote and produced his first feature film, Cheerleader Ninjas, which sold to Lionsgate Entertainment and is now streaming on Tubi, Apple, Amazon Prime, and Philo. In 2008 he worked with “Save the Cat” author Blake Snyder at the Creative Screenwriting Expo in Los Angeles. Kevin was a finalist in the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writer’s Gold Rush Literary Awards in 2021 for his rom-com novel, “Kamikaze GIrl,” and was a Semi-Finalist in the 2022 Emerging Screenwriters competition for his horror-comedy Blood Rush. You can learn more about him on his website, KevinCampbellFilms.com.

My Speakers Sessions

Saturday, September 28

11:00am MDT

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