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Karen A. Lin

Writer's Launchpad
Award Winning Author, Coach
Boulder, Colorado
Karen is a pitch and writing coach for award-winning and bestselling authors. She teaches for cruise lines and writers conferences. Many of her stories are inspired by her experience marrying into a Taiwanese family. Food is often a subplot. Mu Shu Mac & Cheese and American Moon: A Chinese Immigrant Story came out in 2020. She’s an award-winning author of shorts, poetry, essays, novels, and for years a monthly column for BTS Book Reviews. One of her stories is featured in the anthology Fresh Starts. She’s also a produced screenwriter. In her “spare time” she’s a hopeless foodie dragging her husband and their two sons around the world as she researches recipes for a literary cookbook. She was honored to be awarded the Pen Award in 2023 (thus PAA membership) and the Golden Nugget Award in 2016. http://www.karenalbrightlin.com https://www.amazon.com/Shu-Mac-Cheese-Karen-Albright-ebook/dp/B08GGDQBLP https://www.amazon.com/American-Moon-Chinese-Immigrant-Story-ebook/dp/B08B4FPN7Q
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