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Johnny Worthen

Award-Winning Author

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Johnny Worthen is an award-winning, multiple-genre author of novels and short stories.His best-selling science fiction series Coronam, beginning with Of Kings, Queens & Colonies, then Of Civilized, Saved & Savages and now complete with Of Heroes, Homes & Honey, is an epic tale in the vein of Frank Herbert’s Dune. It is available from Flame Tree Press. Trained in literary criticism and cultural studies, he writes upmarket fiction, long and short, and mentors others where he can, and is famous for wearing his tie-dyed shirts. He grew up in the high desert snows and warm summer winds of Utah’s Wasatch Mountains. At one time, he opened a bakery in Eugene, Oregon. He is a Utah Writer of the Year, past president of the League of Utah Writers, and founding member of the Utah Chapter, The Horror Writers Association and a current member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association, SFWA. He holds a degree in English and a master’s degree in American Studies from the University of Utah where he now teaches writing since 2016. He married his junior prom date, and they have two sons.
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