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Welcome, writers! If you have any questions about the schedule or the conference at large, please refer to the conference website at rmfw.org/conference or email conference@rmfw.org. To view the conference floor plan, select or click on map from the menu.
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Mira Landry

Corvisiero Literary Agency
Associate Literary Agent

Contact Me

Mira Landry is an associate literary agent with Corvisiero literary agency, currently acquiring upmarket and literary YA and Adult fiction. After a decade building her own business as a photographer, she’s eager to help authors turn their art into a career. As a chair on the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers' board of directors, she’s dedicated to building writing and literary communities through events and educational programming, and was co-chair for their Colorado Gold Conference. She has a Bachelors from the University of British Columbia and a Certificate of Creative Writing from Simon Fraser University. She also co-hosts a podcast called Writers Who Read, analyzing recently published books using Literary Forensics.
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