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David R. Slayton

David R. Slayton (He/Him) grew up in Guthrie, Oklahoma, where finding fantasy novels was pretty challenging and finding fantasy novels with diverse characters was downright impossible. Now he lives in Denver and writes the books he always wanted to read. His debut, White Trash Warlock, was a finalist for the Colorado Book Award. In 2015, David founded Trick or Read, an initiative to give out books along with candy to children on Halloween as well as uplift lesser-known authors or those from marginalized backgrounds. His latest release is Dark Moon, Shallow Sea, an epic fantasy. Find him online at www.DavidRSlayton.com. David has taught workshops for Writers Digest, the Pikes Peak Writers Conference, the League of Utah Writers Quills Conference, the Seymour Agency Winter Retreat, Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, multiple colleges, schools, and libraries.
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