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avatar for Cathie Hedrick-Armstrong

Cathie Hedrick-Armstrong

Cathie Hedrick-Armstrong is a Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, and is a member of the Association of American Literary Agents (AALA). With eight years of industry experience and a published author herself, Cathie has been on both sides of the querying process and takes special care to remember how frustrating the agent search can feel. For that reason, she responds to every query.
A prolific reader of many genres, Cathie is especially drawn to Romance in all categories, and Domestic Suspense is the vein of Heather Gudenkauf, B.A. Paris, and Ruth Ware. She is also new to Fantasy Romance, and enjoys Bookclub Fiction, Courtroom Drama, Cozy Mysteries, and the occasional creepy/non-gory Horror. Cathie is especially interested in stories by authors from traditionally marginalized communities (i.e. BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and those with Neurodiverse experiences).
A 1992 graduate of the University of Oklahoma, Cathie holds a B.A. in Journalism with a minor in History and is, unsurprisingly, a rabid OU Sooners Football fan. She currently lives in Southeastern Minnesota where she and her husband of 32 years recently joined the ranks of the “Empty Nest Club.”

My Speakers Sessions

Friday, September 27

3:30pm MDT

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