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avatar for Carol Berg

Carol Berg

Award-Winning Author
Fort Collins, Colorado
Carol Berg writes epic, mythic, and adventure fantasy novels and short fiction under her own name and her pseudonym, Cate Glass. Her eighteen novels have won national and international awards, including four Colorado Book Awards and the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature. Carol is a regular presenter at writers’ conferences and fantasy/sf conventions and is a two-time Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Writer of the Year. All of this is amazing to a former software engineer who majored in math at Rice University and computer science at the University of Colorado to avoid writing papers. Carol/Cate’s most recent work is A Summoning of Demons. She lives in Colorado in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.

My Speakers Sessions

Friday, September 27

4:30pm MDT

Saturday, September 28

3:30pm MDT

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