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Calvin Studzinski

Calvin Studzinski is an award-winning aerospace engineer, amateur historian, role-playing game designer, and aspiring author. As a child, Calvin was an avid reader, consuming the works of Jules Verne and J.R.R. Tolkien with equal voracity, before reading everything he could get his hands on. It seemed only natural to turn his reader's inquisitiveness into a writer's industriousness, and he’s finished several full-length novels which he and his agent hope will be published soon. Calvin’s novel-writing is shaped by his career as an aerospace engineer and his passionate study of history. He has a Masters in Systems Engineering and 12 years of experience as a full-time engineer working on rockets and satellites, while in his free time, he is an avid historian who loves researching life in prior eras, going so far as to participate as a historical reenactor for many years. The science in Calvin’s novels reflects his knowledge of technology and space exploration, and he often finds knowledge of a historical period can help him build deep, realistic worlds, even in a land of magic or on a faraway planet.
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