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Sunday September 29, 2024 10:00am - 10:50am MDT
Science fiction often resorts to fantastical technologies to reach other stars, but could we do it in real life? Explore the real science we would use to explore exoplanets, the dangers involved, and how the restrictions of sub-luminal space travel should inspire gripping sci-fi narratives.
avatar for Calvin Studzinski

Calvin Studzinski

Calvin Studzinski is an award-winning aerospace engineer, amateur historian, role-playing game designer, and aspiring author. As a child, Calvin was an avid reader, consuming the works of Jules Verne and J.R.R. Tolkien with equal voracity, before reading everything he could get his... Read More →
Sunday September 29, 2024 10:00am - 10:50am MDT
Conference Room VII

Attendees (4)

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